Life Rocks when your living room rolls
![]() Our drive to New Jersey was only supposed to be 5 hours but the course ended up having us go up and around Providence so it turned into 6.5 hours. That is a long time for me to sit. Poor Chris I really don't know how he deals with me some days 🫠. We also hit a lot of traffic this day driving through CT to NYC to NJ. I also can be a terrible passenger driving as I tend to freak out if we are between 18-wheelers. I am working on getting better at this so he doesn't throw me out of the truck. ![]() Once we made it to our site we got set up, relaxed for a few minutes then had to go get some groceries. Our site seemed to be mostly all seasonal campers and nobody was around so it was very quiet. Since we had such a long day on the road, after dinner we made it an early night to bed. As we are trying to close the door there is a huge bug on the screen that we are trying to get off. After research, we find it is an Eastern Hornet. I get a picture the next day of one by the tree. They are absolutely huge. ![]() Since we stayed so busy in Rhode Island we decided that we were going to keep it a mellow stay and just relax at the campground. Once Chris finished his work day, I made some dinner then we walked to see if there were any campers actually staying in the campground. We walk down the road we are staying on, still no signs besides just a couple folks. We turned right down the road and it was like we entered the land of missing campers. Most sites seem that they were all seasonals and they sure make them like a home. We end up chatting with a women name Kelly. We were talking about some of the extravagant bars people had set up. She says let’s take a ride in the golf cart and see some that we may have missed. We stop at another couples site and we all end up hanging out there for a few hours. Kelly gives us a ride back to our site. She even says she can't believe they put us here where nobody ever is. She invites us to come back tomorrow night as a few campsites get together, bring food and just hang out. We tell her we will see her tomorrow evening and inside to bed we go. The next day while Chris was working I had to go do laundry. Another reason I wasn't upset about our site location as it wasn't far from the laundry room. I get the 2 bags ready, put the laundry detergent in, and grab the quarters. I realize I only have enough for 2 loads so I will need to get some from the office to do the 3rd load I have. I go to ask but they say they only have $3. That was enough for the load I needed to start. They don't have change so I give them a $10 and they tell me to come back in a couple hours and they will have the rest of it. Since I had already started the other loads I would need the quarters sooner then that so I could put them in the drying. I go back to our site and tell Chris I need to run to the bank to get quarters. He said he was at a good break time so he comes with me and we also decide to hit a local vegetable stand that was recommended to us the evening before. We stop by the office I give them $3 and ask for the ten back. At the farm stand we get the recommended: tomato pie, Jersey corn on the corn, and a tomato (they are supposed to be extra good in New Jersey). We also end up grabbing some Jersey Apple Butter BBQ sauce, a peanut butter mousse pie, and 3 chocolate chip cookies. When we get back to the camper I make a tomato sandwich with the fresh tomato and it was everything I had hoped for 🤤. Chris finishes up work, I make some dinner and we sit outside before heading over to the campers we met the night before site. We hear something at a site just a couple up and see a few turkeys crossing through their lot. There was a black cat that eventually make the turkey come flying out of the woods. ![]() We pack up a cooler and head out to walk the park and stop over to the other site. There are a few people hanging out and the table of food has everything possible on it. I ended up trying some brie with homemade fig jam on crackers. The jam was delicious. I asked who had made it? It was the couple whose site we were at, Gus and Collette, who made it. Collette goes inside and brings me out a small jar and tells me it's for us 🫶🏼. It was the sweetest.
We get dropped off at the camper and say our goodbyes and thank them for their hospitality. We make our way into the camper and get ready for bed. Tomorrow morning we move on to the next state, with a quick state stop on the way.
10/4/2023 10:57:24 am
I loved the blog and videos. Sounds like you two are having a great time..
10/4/2023 04:49:59 pm
Awesome to see yall had a great time in NJ! Keep going and we will keep reading! Thanks Colleen for keeping eye out!
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