Life Rocks when your living room rolls
![]() We are driving to Guadalupe National Park to boondock at the Pine Springs Campground. It is a fairly easy drive beside the wind and all the construction. We get to the park but since we will need the truck tomorrow morning we get the camper leveled and disconnected. The wind is still whipping! After taking Smokey out for a walk, we get ready for our hike to be sure we are back before the sun sets. At the trailhead is a park ranger who asks what trail we are taking. We let her know Devil’s Hall. She says we will want to head back no later than 4:30 as it gets cold once the sun sets. It is about 3:15 so we keep a good pace to make it to the end in no more than an hour. It is a cool hike that follows along what would be a river but is dried up. About halfway up we walk the river for most of the whole trail. There are a few neat rock walls that you climb up but the end was the best! The trail name Devil’s Hall is suiting, as it is a long narrow hallway between 2 high rock walls. The wind is extreme between the walls but if you take 3 steps out of the hall you can barely feel the wind, it’s wild. It was a little after 4:30 so we grabbed a few photos and made our way back. We did see a couple with 2 kids that were still heading out towards the hall. Since it was so late we told them that the ranger recommended you be heading back by 4:30 so they may want to consider turning around. We talked about what it looked like at the end and they decided not to go any further. We walked a little with them and chatted as they were also on an RV journey, then we continued at our speed.
We took a wrong turn and made our way on a different trail. It wasn’t the worst but the sun was starting to set and it was getting colder. We finally made it back to the camper just before the sky was dark. I quickly brought Smokey out for a walk. I change into comfy clothes, throw a pizza in the oven, and pour a glass of wine. Chris and I couldn’t believe how strong the wind was blowing. After finishing dinner I clean up and we put a movie on. Once it is done I take Smokey for one more walk while Chris sets the bed up. I brush my teeth and climb into bed hoping we don’t get blown away.
![]() We have tickets for Carlsbad Cavern National Park so we are leaving the RV and will be back in time for a noon checkout. Our drive was only about 45 minutes traveling from Texas to New Mexico. Because we are so close to MST the clock kept changing between the 2 time zones. The cavern was way bigger than I could have ever expected. You can take an elevator down to the big room or walk. We walked the path down to the natural entrance. It is a steep 1.25-mile trail with switchbacks that descends 750 feet into the cavern. You then enter the Big Room trail which is another 1.25 miles. ![]() It is an amazing place to see. This is the second cavern we have stopped at since on the road. They are just so amazing to me. Unfortunately, being so big we had to walk through a bit faster than we had wanted. I could spend a full day exploring there. After walking the whole trail we quickly make our way to the elevator. It travels 756 feet aboveground through solid limestone without any stops. At the top is the visitor center so we take a quick peruse and head straight to the truck. Once back at the RV, I take Smokey for a good walk while Chris gets us all hooked up. I put Smokey in the truck and do my quick walk around to ensure everything is good, hop in the passenger seat and we are off to our next stop.
![]() We are heading to Big Bend RV Park in Terlingua, TX. After getting on the road late we filled up and planned our first stop to be about 3 hours. We have driven much further on a full tank of gas but with the wind working against us it was dropping quicker than usual. We had about 4 miles until our exit and it happened. We ran out of gas. When we bought the camper we got RV One free for the year. This is the software we use to route our trip and GPS it but it also offers roadside assistance. Chris calls and gets a gas delivery on its way. A vehicle pulls in front of us and we see it’s a sheriff. He comes out to check to be sure we are safe. We tell him we have a delivery on its way and he heads back to his cruiser and leaves. After about 30 minutes I take the dog out on the side of the interstate so she could walk her legs and use the bathroom. We were navigating around cactuses, debris of all sorts and the wind was wild. Chris gets a call back from roadside assistance saying the truck had another job they were getting to and then they would be to us in probably about 45 minutes. Once we get that call, I go to make lunch in the camper. That was scary. Every time a truck goes by it feels like a gust of wind is going to flip the camper over. I finally get lunch made, use the bathroom, close everything up, and head back to the truck. While Chris and I are eating, a truck pulls in behind us. Chris gets out as he thinks it is the gas delivery to find it was just a random bystander pulling over to see if we needed help. Chris tells him that we have run out of gas. The guy says he has some in the back of his truck. He pulls out a 2 gallon jug and fills up all he has in our truck. He said he would follow us to the exit to be sure we make it safe. Chris hands him some cash for his help, hops back into the truck, and starts it up. That was the best sound ever. We pull out and just over the hill is the exit. We seriously couldn’t been any closer. We pull up to the pump and Chris gets out to fill up the truck. He sees the guy has pulled in. He is going to walk over to ask if he could fill his jug but the guy has pulled back out. It is these people who make me have hope for mankind. Thank you sir for your kind act I hope you feel it in return someday. ![]() Once filled, Chris calls back to cancel the gas delivery and we get back on the road. The clouds seem to be dark in the distance. I look at the radar to see the weather along our route. Well shit, this sucks, we get to drive right thru a thunderstorms. Luckily for us the storm stayed off to the side. We watched lightning in the distance the whole drive. We had rain, dark clouds, and some lightning but it could have been worse. The sun has completely set and we are finally out of the storm with it only being a light rain. We are now in a dark sky area so there are no lights and the markers in the road are super faint. We are driving up over a mountain range so it’s switchback after switchback. The delight was when our GPS showed we only had 20 minutes and were starting to see homes scattered along the roadside. It was about 7:30 when we pulled into the RV Park. We missed the park entrance and pulled into the store in front of it. I walked over to the office and got checked in. I walk back to give Chris the information. We pulled over in front of the office and a staff member drove us to our spot. It was so stinking dark. Once he shows us where our site is he is off. Let me tell you, trying to back into a site in the dark, in the mud, and be sure it is leveled, man was that work. We get it finally all in place and disconnect it from the truck. Since it is so late Chris only plugs power in and will do the water and sewer hose in the daylight. I go inside to get things pulled out and put in place for the week. Once done we sit for a bit to unwind and then get ready for an early night to bed. Opening the door to bring the dog out the next morning was seriously magical. Driving in and not being able to see what was around us to see these huge rocks all around and the sun just coming up over them, I can’t even explain it. We were finally out of green trees and in a whole different terrain that I was so excited to start exploring.
Again, this is so different than anything we have been in yet. It is all desert. Dirt, rocks, and more rock mountains. I love it. This trail leads to some petroglyphs that we end up locating. I had to climb the rock then realized on the way back down it was way steeper than I was comfortable with. We walk around the area a bit more then begin our walk back to the bikes. My tire is starting to get flat again but I had brought the air pump just in case so we pumped up the tire and made our way back to the camper. We spend the evening outdoors making dinner and sitting by the fire. Ending our Sunday evening perfectly while also thinking that tomorrow was Christmas. This will be my first ever not spending it with the kids or family. Chris and I put our gifts out and filled a few items in each other’s stockings as well as Smokey’s. We cuddle her up and make our way to bed. It almost doesn’t even feel like a holiday. It’s just so different than what I have had my whole life. From the weather, the surroundings, and missing the kids. After I take the dog out for her morning bathroom break, Chris and I exchange gifts and sit around relaxing and Facetime the family. We go to the restaurant in the RV park as they are open and serving brunch. We have a great meal with a couple of mimosas then head back to the RV to get ourselves ready to head into Big Bend National Park to do a hike. ![]() The park is only about 3 miles from our campground but it’s such a huge park it takes us 30 minutes to get to the trailhead. We hiked 5.05 miles on Loss Mine Trail which was a fairly easy hike with some switchbacks and gradual climbs. The top was beautiful overlooking many mountain tops. I was surprised by the amount of people who were out on the trail being Christmas but it was nice how often people wished us a Merry Christmas. Once back at the camp, we took Smokey outside to play for a bit and get some energy out. Then we got in comfy clothes, prepared dinner outside watched the sunset then finished the night by the fire feeling very blessed to be living this life. Tuesday morning I go for a run out behind the campground and Chris does a HIIT outside. He has to get back into the work grind so after he gets ready and jumps on I shower, get ready, make breakfast, and then start planning out the rest of the week to be sure we can see as much as possible. Once Chris was done work we decided to take the dog and go into Terlingua to check out the ghost town and cemetery. We stopped to have a bite and drink at High Sierra Bar & Grill since it was a dog-friendly restaurant. We ended up meeting another full-time RV couple who were younger than us. It was great exchanging our travel stories. We laughed when we realized we seem to be on a similar route. We said our goodbyes then headed back to the campground where we hung out for the evening taking it easy. The next day was a pretty chill day with Chris working and me cleaning and doing laundry. We took a break during the day to run up to Desert Sports to grab a tube patch kit. Chis fixes the tire on my e-bike when we get back. That evening we stayed chill around the campground and made it an early night knowing the next day we were going to get up early. Chris has taken the day off but we set an alarm to be up and out to beat the crowd at the hot springs. We took Smokey out to get some energy out, got ourselves ready, made breakfast and a small lunch to bring with us then headed out. It was almost an hour’s drive to get to the Ernst Ridge trailhead. The view while driving through Big Bend is fascinating. I have never seen mountains like this before. ![]() The directions were a little off for parking at the trailhead but we figured it out and started our trek. It was a 5.5 round trip so just under 3 miles we were at the hot spring. We were so happy to only see a few people there. We got undressed as we had swimming wear on and made our way to the spring. It was so awesome with rocks making the hot spring pool and just on the other side ran the Rio Grand. We soaked for a bit then hopped into the river. On our 100 bucket list scratch-off poster there is a "stand in two countries at the same time" so we were able to scratch it off since we were in the USA and Mexico. After about 45 minutes we got dried off and started to make our way back. It was such a beautiful trail following the river and crossing over ranges that made you feel you were the only person on this earth. Once at the truck, we stop at the visitor center to find a sticker and drive the hour to make it back home. I love that even though we have only had Smokey for 2 weeks she can chill in the RV, not bark, have no accidents, or chew anything the whole time we are gone. We take her out for a long walk and play to let her run off some energy. Then it’s time to get comfy, make some dinner, and chill by the fire until bed. Chris is up and at work early so we can hop off early to take the e-bikes into the park for a ride. I get things already, take Smokey out, then we jump on the bikes and leave just after 3 pm. We are riding down Old Maverick Road, an OHV road that is shaky and dusty. It still was pretty cool being out on the bikes riding with the wind in our faces. We made it to the end and stopped at Santa Elena Canyon Overlook then turned around and headed back down the dirt road. We stopped to take photos of Luna's Jacal. Gilberto Luna built this small dwelling and lived here until 1947. Unfortunately, about 18 miles in we ended up losing power so we had to peddle the rest of the way. I knew I couldn’t make it the additional 3 miles from the park entrance to the campground so Chris rode his back, grabbed the truck, and came back to pick me up. I am so lucky to have a man that will do these things for me. We loaded the bike in the back of the truck and made our way to camp. ![]() After taking Smokey out and changing we went back into Terlingua to get dinner at Starlight Theatre. It was such an awesome place. It’s an old movie palace that turned into an eatery with live music and funky decor. After eating we chilled and had a few more drinks and watched the band. We talked about how much fun we had over the past week and about the weekend we had ahead of us. Saturday when we woke up we began getting ready to head out on the road early. We had things all picked up, brought Smoky out for a run, and then headed to our next stop. We have a busy weekend ahead of us.
![]() We are on our way to San Antonio, Texas. On the drive, we met up with a coworker of Chris' at a restaurant just outside Fort Worth called Villa Grande. We pulled into the large parking lot just behind the restaurant. I walked Smokey before we went to meet Bo and his wife Christy for lunch. We had a very nice meal. It's so nice meeting people that Chris works with that I probably wouldn't have met. They were also the first people we had told about the new addition we added at our last stop. Once done we said our farewell and headed back to see if the truck was in one piece. We peer in through the window and she is just lying down on her blanket in the back. It doesn’t look as if she even moved the whole time we were gone. There was a Petco there so we take her over to grab a few more things we need to get to settle her into her new home. ![]() We arrive at Mission City RV park just around 4 pm. Smokey did an amazing job with the over 5 hours she was in the truck. I instantly take her to the dog park to run around for a bit while Chris gets the camper leveled and detached. When back I complete getting the inside in place as he finishes up the outside work. Once we were done we spent the evening relaxing, made dinner, and in bed at our normal 9 pm time. Sunday I had Chris and Smokey stay outside while I did a major clean of the camper and pulled out the Christmas decorations that I brought with us. It was the week before Christmas and even though we moved again before Christmas I wanted to start getting into the spirit. I loved the extra touch it added to the camper. The rest of the day was pretty relaxed. We stuck around the campground and got things ready for our visitor who flies in on Monday. After dinner, we go grab some groceries so we have a full refrigerator for the week then back home and get ourselves ready for bed. ![]() Monday morning Chris works for a bit until we have to leave to be at the airport to pick Abby up for noon arrival. I was so excited to see her. It has been the longest we have ever been not seeing each other. Of course, there is FaceTime but just to hug her was what I was most excited for. She had a long day so when we got to her she was hungry and a little grumpy. Once we got to the truck we asked if Abby wanted to stop for some food. She said she’d rather go drop her things than we can go grab something. I was happy about this because we had not told her about Smokey so I couldn’t wait for her to walk into the camper. When we pulled into our site, Chris grabbed Abby’s bag so she and I could go into the camper. I walk in first, her following, and then Smokey is there at the door, she asks “You guys got a dog?” We told her the story of how it all happened and how hard it was to not tell her about it but we wanted to surprise her. She quickly is on the floor with her giving her all the belly rubs. We get Abby settled then we decide on a place to go grab some food. She and I drive to get some burgers and bring them back to eat. The food wasn’t the best but she at least finally got some food in her belly. Once Chris finishes his workday we get ourselves ready and head down to San Antonio to explore the River Walk. Parking is stupidly expensive but we find a lot and then begin to walk and explore more. We find our way to the river. It was decorated with lights and absolutely beautiful. After walking around for a bit we decide to get dinner. Since we aren’t dressed up we go simple and stop at Dick’s Last Resort. If you don’t know the restaurant they strive to insult you and make your dinner experience as rude as possible. The food isn’t anything to rave about and the service is par. He had thought Abby was 16 so he said he kept it PG. He said if he knew she was 19 he would have made sure to make it more fun. Once dinner was done we walked around the town more then headed back to the truck to make our way back to the camper. We make the dinette table to be a bed and got Abby all setup. She was not impressed with how uncomfortable it was but she did her best to get comfortable and we all are off to bed. Smokey kept jumping up in bed with Abby. We would get her down but in the middle of the night she was back up so we just let her stay. The morning Abby was complaining about how the cushions don’t stay together and the dog slept right in the middle of the bed. She did not sleep well. Chris told Abby she could sleep in the bed with me and he would stay on that for the week. We pull the bed apart and set it back to the table so Chris can work. Abby and I got ourselves ready to go back to explore more in town. We drive and find parking close to the San Fernando Cathedral. It is a gorgeous catholic church. She and I take a minute to pray in a pew then continue to the front of the church to see the altar. We are in awe of the amazing handcrafted work that was all around the church. We exit the side door and walk the alleyway back to the front of the church. We look up directions to the Alamo and find our way there. It was about a 10-minute walk but the sun was out and the temperatures were beautiful so it was a very pleasant walk there. We walk the grounds and on our way out we are told it is free access to the church but we still need tickets. We go up and grab 2 tickets at the booth then go to the line. Once inside there are folks that will give you information or answer any question you have. One of the gentlemen gave Abby and me some interesting information about the history of the building. We then went into the sacristy to watch a video giving more history.
![]() We made our way to the exit and then walked back to find the truck. We got a little mixed up so it took a bit to find it but we finally made it. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening relaxing around the park and ended the night sitting around the fire. Wednesday we took the morning to relax and just chill at the camper. In the afternoon she and I took the Super 73's out and did about 10 miles on the bikes. That evening I made a dinner with some of Abby’s favorite foods and again kept it a quiet night. Thursday was also another day spent around the campground and when Chris finished work we went to a mall to do some Christmas shopping. We grabbed some dinner while at the mall then it was back to the camper to relax for the rest of the evening. Friday was our last full day with Abby. We spent most of the day chilling as we had plans for Friday evening. I go out and run a couple of errands by myself. One of the stops is to Goodwill where I find a white robe and a hat that I have been looking for. That evening we went go-karting at Andretti Indoor Karting which was a blast. After that, we went to Hop Scotch Art Gallery. What an awesome place this was. It was interactive so each room had a different exhibit. (From their website) About: Hopscotch is an immersive and experiential brand that brings together artists in collaborative environments to create unique, impactful, and distinct shared experiences. They have a bar and unique drinks to enjoy as you walk through the building. This was a place Abby had found. It was exciting to see what was in the next room.
When we finished our walk playing in each room we drove to Historic Market Square to have dinner at La Margarita Restaurant & Oyster Bar. All of the vendors were closed so we didn’t get to do any shopping but I loved the lights in the market streets. The restaurant had a mariachi band and the authentic Mexican food was delicious. After dinner, we walked back to the truck and drove back to the campground. We exchanged Christmas gifts with Abby and she began to get her bag packed to fly back home. ![]() Abby’s flight doesn’t leave until 3 pm but we have an 11 am checkout so we have to bring her to the airport and be back to be sure we are out on time. Before we start picking up Chris puts the robe and hat on and we go outside to create our Christmas Photo. He has been wanting to do this since we started planning this trip. We put most everything away so when we get back we just need to pull the slide in, put the dog in the truck, connect, and get on the road. We get Abby’s bag in the truck, she says goodbye to Smokey and we make our way to drop her off. She has been craving Sonic so we leave time to stop and get some. We pull in, put the window down and Abby gives her order. The guy says that they had a staff not be on time so the grill just got turned on and it is going to take 20 minutes to get hot. So we look to see if we can find another on the way. We find one that isn’t far off the path and head there. She gets her order and we are off to the airport. Since we are on a time crunch we pull to the drop off. We all hop out, it’s the time to give that hug and suck it in as much as I can as I won’t get another for a long time. Chris grabs her luggage and places it down. He gives her a big hug and then I sneak in for one more. She grabs her bags and she is off. As great as it is to see her the goodbye is always hard too. Even though this week was a lot of arguing, miscommunication, and not agreeing on things. I also know Abby is 19 and is having a lot of life thrown at her right now. It’s hard for her that I’m not home but I also know that her finding her way is helping her become the strong woman she is going to be. It still makes your heart hurt. Back at the camper we get everything done and connect to the truck. We should have left by 9 am to be at the next place before dark but now we will be pulling in close to 7 pm and we are heading to a dark sky area so this will be interesting. ![]() Our drive was what you may expect, flat and lots of farmland, many having pumpjacks. We arrive in Davis, Oklahoma and the sun is already setting. It was a gorgeous sunset but it was also our first time arriving in the dark to set up. We arrive at Turner Falls State Park with just a little bit of natural light left. The attendant is a young guy who has no cares. He handed us a brochure which had a small map of the park in the corner and our tag for the windshield and says we are all set. We asked which way to the RV park and he say he wasn’t sure. He points out and says I believe that way. We maneuver our way over the running water from Honey Creek, up a steep hill and finally see the bathhouse and RV parking. There is nobody else here. We weren’t given a site number so we picked a spot after much confusion on how to park on the slabs. The water/electricity was only on every other site. We finally get in place and can level and detach. This site does not have full hookup so we have to be limited with the amount of water we use or the gray tank fills too quickly. Showers are not possible in the camper when staying for 7 nights. We have to use the bathhouse showers but they are within walking distance so it’s not the worst, usually. It was windy and chilly. Chris quickly set up the outside things and I got to the inside so we could relax and warm up. We make some dinner watch a movie than head to bed. The next morning we hang out in bed for a bit then we get up. Chris gets his toiletries and towel then goes to shower while I make a coffee. I was surprised at how quickly he returned. He informed me that the showers were outdoor showers and since it was 29 degrees that was not happening. He had used the bathroom sink in the bathhouse to wash his face and hair then back in the camper he used a washcloth to clean up. We tried to keep positive and think about how we were going to get through the week like this. We agree we can get body wipes and use the bathhouse sink to wash our hair if needed. It also gets to 65 degrees during the day so we could shower during the afternoon. Okay, we can make this work. I do a quick wash and get myself dressed. We relax inside the camper with music on enjoying the sun shining in. The electric heater we had picked up is just the right size and keeps our home nice and warm. After some brunch, we go to walk around the campground and see the falls. Since there isn’t much of an explanation of where things are on the grounds we just wander. We find a path that brings us to an overlook of the river. We tried to stay off the road but it was the only way to get to the falls so we walked down the steep hill and found our way there. The falls are 70 feet tall and has a walkway over the river to view it straight on. You also pass by some castles as you walk down the road towards the fall. They are based on old English architects that were constructed with native stone and materials in the early 30’s. The buildings served as Dr. Ellsworth Collin’s summer home. We don't explore the castles because there are many people there and I can come back another day when its not so busy to get some photos. ![]() We walked back up the steep road and a bit further up to see what was around. There were just mainly cabins for rent but it looked as if nobody was staying in any of them. Back to the camper we go where we hung outside. We walked around the RV sites and considered moving to one further back but it was too much work so we stayed put. We decided to pull the drone out and get some views of the river and falls. The sun was going to be setting soon so it was good lighting. Chris got it all in place and flew it over capturing the land below. When it was back from the flyover the sun was setting. He snapped a few photos of the camper with the sunset then brought it in. We finished the night back inside the camper having dinner, watching TV then heading to bed. It was just too cold once the sun goes down to be outside. ![]() In the morning we skipped a workout because it was way below freezing out when we woke up. Chris gets washed up in our bathroom, dressed, and gets onto work. I also do a quick wipedown, get dressed, and make some breakfast. While he is working I go the grocery store. There weren’t any major chain stores so I tried the local market but was unable to get most things we needed. I find online that it’s about a 20-minute drive to get to one. I make my way there. It is an Aldi and Food City so I am still hoping they will have what we need. I find a few of the things we need but not all so I check out Aldi’s. There wasn’t everything but we will have to make do. As I am driving back I see a Walmart sign so I immediately pull in. It is a Super Walmart!! I am so puzzled why it didn’t show when I searched groceries on Google. Anyway, I found everything we needed and some things even better than what I had already got. While driving home I get gas and I have now been out for over 3 hours just to get groceries. When home I put the groceries away and Chris is just about finishing his work day. We again spend most of the evening inside before heading to bed. The next morning it is about 35 degrees but we push through and do a HIIT outside. We did get a beautiful sunrise to workout in. When we were done Chris was his sweaty self so he said he was going to go use the outside showers. He grabs his things and heads over. Again, he came back quickly to tell me that there was no running water in the showers. UGH, we have had enough. After some research, we found there is an RV park only 4 miles up the road. I can’t understand why we didn’t stay there so I called to see if they may have been full. She tells me they have plenty of room and asks if we want to make a reservation. I tell her the story of what we have been dealing with and let her know if the office gives us a refund for our remaining stay, then we will be in touch to make our reservation. Once Chris is done with his work day we go down to see if we can talk to anyone about this. We went into the store, found our sticker, and talked with the girl at the register. In conversation we asked if she knew who we could talk with about our stay in the RV park. There was another man there whom we tell him the story. He is maintenance and tells us that the park has no hot water at all. He told us to go down to the office at 9 am and talk to the office manager. They had written down our info and said they were also going to leave the note for the office. We thank them for the information and back to the truck. We stop at the castles so I can take pictures. Once we walk the grounds we go back to the camper and have another quiet night of dinner and TV then off to the bed. ![]() We both do a HIIT outside the camper in the morning, we take fast showers in the camper as we have agreed that since the other park is only $40 a night with full hookups we are going to move no matter what the office says. Just before 9 am, we get in the truck and head down to the office. We go over all the challenging situations we have had with staying at the park and ask if they are willing to cancel our stay for the remaining days and give us a refund. They said the manager is not in and only he is supposed to make this exception but they agree he would refund it. They gave us a full refund for our remaining night stays as well as the daily admission fee we had to pay for each day we stay. They give us receipts, we thank them for their help, and head back to start packing up. I also try back to Smokin’ Joe’s RV park to see about reserving a stay until Saturday. There was no answer so I left a voicemail. I soon after got a return call back from Theresa. She tells us to come down any time. She gives me directions to get to the sites and tells us to pick any between 5-8. She said she would be gone but when she is back I can stop in to take care of everything. We are packed up, connected to the truck, and heading out just around 11. We make our way and find our way into the new RV park. We chose site 6, pulled in, got everything leveled, and detached from the truck. While sitting in the camper I get a call from Theresa saying she is home if I want to walk over to her rv and take care of things. I head over, she invites me in and we go over our stay info. I paid the price of our stay and we chatted some about how her cell phone had issues with iCloud. I told her Chris is an IT guy and could probably help. I take a photo of the message she is getting so I can show him. She asks if I would like to sit. I accept the offer and about an hour later I am still there chatting. I let her know I needed to head back to make some lunch. I said goodbye and went back to the camper. Chris was laughing when I went in because I had been gone for so long. I asked if he had eaten lunch, which he hadn’t so I made us each sandwiches. We don’t do much but hang out for the afternoon and evening. It is an early night to bed. We wake in the morning and head out to do a HIIT. We got our mats out set up our table and began our workout. We are soon greeted by a dog who is very happy to get pets. It even starts to hop around some as we are doing our workout. They leave and we finish up our workout. Once done we head in and get ready to start our day. A little later in the afternoon, we have a knock on the door. It's Theresa. She has brought us a brochure of things to do in the area and also asked Chris if he can help with her phone. He had already googled some things from the photo I showed him so he was able to fix it easily. While we are talking Theresa gets a call from someone in the park that there has been a stray dog for a few days wondering around and keeps coming to her camper. She tells us she has to go check on it. I asked if it was a gray dog and told her about the dog who came over while we were working out. She asks if Iwant to come over to see so I go along. The dog was very skittish. Didn’t want to go near anyone but it came right over to me. I was able to pet and check it over. Theresa said she was probably dumped as a lot of people do that around that area. We walk back to our camper and Chris comes out to see the dog. Theresa went to get some treats to feed it. While Chris and I wait we are talking about the possibility of keeping her if she is a stray. Once Theresa is back and the dog has had some treats we end up seeing if she would come into the camper. It took a little but she made her way in. We put a blanket on the ground and soon she laid right down on it. Theresa ended up leaving and we said we would talk more and let her know our thoughts. So now we are sitting in our camper looking at each other going, we have a dog in our camper….We go over the pros and cons and talk about if we want to lose our freedom to come and go as we please. After talking it through and going over everything we could think of we said we would make a vet appointment and see if she is chipped and have her looked over. If everything turns out we will see how she does with barking, chewing, traveling for hours in the truck, and just how they do around us. If things are good we keep her, if in 3 weeks things aren’t working we will find her a home. I give Theresa a call to let her know what we have discussed. She brings us down a bag of dog food and a small leash. We put 2 small bowls out and made her comfortable. I call and make a vet appointment for the morning. Chris washes her in the shower to get off some of the caked-on dirt. We have a quiet evening inside, the dog sleeps forever and goes outside a couple of times but overall seems to be doing well. The next morning we skip the workout because it is raining out. The pup has slept through the night and I take her out once we are up. She does her business and we head back in. We get ready, eat breakfast and I get laundry together to get it started. I can switch it to the dryer but have to leave before it is done to make it to the vet on time. Chris finishes up the rest of the laundry. I get the blanket the dog was lying on put it in the truck and get her in. Once at the vet, she is a little nervous as expected but overall does well. We are called in where they weigh, confirm she is a girl, she is not chipped and they say they believe 98% she is spayed. She has a scar that looks like she would be. They answer all my questions, look her over, and say she looks good and seems overall healthy. They say she is about 1.5 years old. I ask if they know of places I can look to see if anyone is missing a dog. They gave me a couple of Facebook groups to join and recommended I don’t give much info about sex, where exactly I found her and put just a photo of her with no collar or ways to identify gender. They also stated they have been getting a lot of calls about dogs being ditched. I don’t know how anyone could do it. We thank them, pay, and make our way back to the truck. Back at the camper, I go over everything with Chris. Since we have decided to keep her to see how it goes we come up with a name. Since she is gray and we are at Smokin’ Joe’s we decide on Smokey. Once Chris is done work we go to Tractor Supply to give her a good bath and pick up items that we will need. We get a dog bed, 2 bowls for water and food, some treats, a collar, a leash, poop bags and a holder. Smokey did so good with being in the store and her bath. When we are back home we get everything set up for her and we do our first test of leaving her alone. ![]() We are going to have dinner at the restaurant in the RV park. We get ourselves ready, say goodbye, and shut the door hoping to not come back to anything chewed or any accidents. We watch her in the window for a minute and she has instantly jumped on the couch. We go back in and put a blanket on it so she can sit up there. We leave again and watch her. She jumps on the couch again and lays right down. We are gone for about 45 minutes and when we get back she is lying in the same spot. Nothing is ruined! We hang out watching some TV then put the bed down and off to sleep we go. Saturday we are moving.. We get up, I take Smokey outside so she can do her thing while Chris showers and gets ready. I then get myself showered and dressed. Once I am ready I microwave breakfast sandwiches then it is time to start picking up. Chris heads outside and I get all the inside things in place. Once we have everything done, we get the camper connected to the truck so we can take Smokey for a long walk around the grounds. Theresa also asked if she could take a photo of us with Smokey to keep as she was so happy we were rescuing her. She meets us at our camper snaps a photo than we get smokey comfy in the back seat, jump in, and head off but now with a dog.
![]() After the last week, we were looking forward to a relaxing week in Hot Springs, Arkansas. We also had a long ass drive. We are up early on a rainy day to be sure we have everything picked up, flushed out, and put away before we have to be on the road by 8:30. Thankfully we rode out of the rain within the hour but you are also riding a bridge through a lot of Louisiana and it’s wasn’t the flattest road so it was nice once we were off from that and the sun was beginning to come through. After a couple of stops for gas, food and to stretch our legs we pull into Finish Line RV park around 5. The park host greets us at the gate to show us our spot. The park is fairly empty so he tells us we can go anywhere but we decided to stay with the one we had chosen on the reservation. He helped us back into place, which was harder because Chris and I have a good flow with this process but we finally get to where she will stay for the week. We chat for a few with the host, he is a young man who lives in the park full-time with his family. Super nice guy. He lets us know to contact him if we need any thing and he leaves. After a long day of driving, we are in bed watching TV early. Sunday morning is a slow-moving start. It was nice to relax. I have to do a thorough clean which is easier if I have the camper to myself. I literally take everything off the floor and shelves to wash it all down. Living in a 26’ space it is crazy how quickly dust and dirt collect but I also had a glass bottle of dark beer fall out of the refrigerator the night before so I had to spot-clean the carpet and use an outside water spigot to clean out the towel I used to clean up. While outside Chris asked my help to take the mountain bikes down. There are some trails locally that we want to check out but we haven’t used them in so long they need a good cleanup. Chris gets the chains waxed, tires inflated, and wipes down both bikes. Once I am done cleaning, showered, and dressed we make some breakfast, I enjoy a mimosa then we sit outside relaxing in the sun. Later that afternoon we take a small ride down the greenway. It is a nice paved path that follows Hot Springs Creek. That evening we made dinner and then sat outside by the fire just for a little bit as the temperature was falling quickly. Inside we watched TV until it was time for bed. ![]() While Chris was searching online he saw an event showing a holiday parade that evening in Hot Springs. Once he finished work we got ourselves ready and went to the city. We found parking in the garage and then went to Superior Bathhouse Brewery. This is the first craft beer brewery located in a U.S. National Park! Superior uses world-famous Hot Springs, Arkansas thermal spring water to brew unique craft beers. The building used to be an old bathhouse as well. We had a beer and ordered a small bite to eat. Just before 6 pm, we pay the tab, finish our drinks, and step outside to the road where the parade will be going down. ![]() I am so glad we decided to check this event out. This community was amazing. Everyone was so nice and they put on a wonderful Hollywood-themed holiday parade. I was amazed at how many floats were in it. There must have been close to 100. After Santa had passed as the last in the parade we decided to walk some to see about finding a warm toddy. Unfortunately, everything seemed to be closed so we made our way back home. It was almost 9 pm so we got the bed ready and off to sleep we went. Tuesday Chris got a HIIT done early then jumped onto work. I did a run on the greenway but otherwise, we took a down day and stayed in the campground all day. Wednesday Chris popped off work for a bit so we could do a hike in the National Park so we can scratch it off our poster. It was a nice 6-mile hike around Hot Spring Mountain with perfect temperature. It was nice to have the crisp leaves under my feet as we walked. I missed our fall hikes in Vermont and this gave me that feeling back. On our way home we stopped to grab a few groceries. Chris worked for a bit more when home and I made dinner. We then had an evening relaxing inside.
![]() Chris got to work early so we could take an extended lunch break to take the mountain bikes out on the trail. I got the bikes into the truck so they were ready when we left. The trail was about 15 minutes away so I just laid them down over our workout equipment with a blanket between them. Once we had the bikes unloaded, I could close the bed cover to lock the items still inside. We looked over the trail map and came up with a route. A man walking by also gave us some suggestions. We headed out not knowing what to expect of the trails and how they will be. They were some of the best trails I have ever rode. Besides many rocks which were hard for Chris since he is riding a hard tail. My bike’s full suspension made it so I didn’t notice them as much. It was also a very gradual ride. Unlike most VT trails that seem to be a constant incline for most of the ride and then fast down, these were sometimes strenuous but then it leveled out. It made for a nice 6-mile ride. This was also my first mountain bike ride in a national park! When we are back home Chris works and again we have a quiet evening around the campground. ![]() Friday we made a 3 pm reservation to do a thermal soak in one of the bathhouses. We left around 2 as they asked we be there early to get signed in and ready for the bath. We got et all checked in and chose the aroma we would like in the tub. They led us to the waiting room where we ordered a glass of sangria to enjoy during our tub. We are greeted by our attendant to walks us to the bathrooms. We are given water and brought to our room. She fills our bath which pulls directly from the springs so it is 104 degrees. You can adjust by adding cool water but we kept it warm as it goes. She leaves us and closes the door so we can undress and have 30 minutes of relaxing. The water has silica, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium which are all good for your body. After our time was up, we dressed and made our way out to our attended. She offered us more water and a cool towel to cool ourselves down. It was so nice just sitting with that on our neck and forehead. We sat for a bit then said thank you and left. ![]() We walked the stores for a bit to see about finding a Hot Springs National Park sticker. We ended up getting one at the Visitor Center. We also remembered that I had forgotten my water jug to fill with the fresh water from the fountain. While we were looking in the shops we found a plastic collapsing plastic bag that was perfect. We bought that and while checking out the lady at the register was so happy we were getting one. She said she had personally made the stickers that were on it and was so happy to see we had one. We chatted with her for a bit then walked to grab a drink at a local bar. We looked at and came up with a route of different places to try but first, we stopped so I could fill the water bag up and drop it off at the truck. The water was in the truck so we made our way to have a margarita at a local Mexican restaurant. They had some pre-made which Chris had but they were too sweet for me so the bartender made me a fantastic specialty one. We moved on after to a rooftop restaurant where we also got some dinner. We had a fun time hanging out with the bartender and talking during our time there. But once done with our food and drink we wanted to make one more stop at the Ohio Club. It was recommended to stop by the camp host at the RV park. They had a live band playing so there was no seating next to the stage but there were 2 spots at the bar so we sat there. They had a TV to watch the band so it wasn’t a bad seat. We stayed for a couple of drinks and then noticed it was getting late so we paid the bill and started to walk back to the truck. I noticed the cupcake place was still open so I convinced Chris to stop in and get us each one. We are back at home, we eat our cupcakes, and get ourselves ready for our last sleep in Arkansas. We talked for a little bit about the fun week we had here. That night a storm came in with heavy winds, wild lightning, and rain (ice) that sounded like baseballs hitting our roof. It was so loud you could barely hear each other talking lying next to each other. It was a little scary I will say. I just kept saying, please don’t let anything happen to the RV or truck. We finally were able to fall back to sleep and in the morning when we woke, we examined everything to find no damage. We then began to get things packed up and ready for our move. While getting things done the park host and family stopped by to say goodbye and ask how our stay was. While talking with him we mentioned how bad the storm was. He showed us a picture of hail balls that had gathered at the gutter. We chatted for a few more minutes then they left and we finished getting things done. Once all hooked up and ready we get on the road around 9 am, We made a stop on the way at the Crater of Diamonds State Park in Murfreesboro, AR. Here you get to mine to see if you can find your own diamond. We didn't find anything but it was fun looking. This past spring a guy found over an 4 carats at this park. It was a nice break in the ride and a really cool experience.
![]() When we left in September we had reservations up until Louisiana. I can’t believe we are already at the end of November and going to be celebrating our first holiday away from our family. While pulling into the French Quarter RV park thankfully Chris had read a review on RV One that the route tries to bring you down a few closed roads and directed us the correct way. We went a few blocks further than needed but finally found our way to the park. There is a brick wall that surrounds the campground and gated entrance. When we pull in they open the gate and meet us there. We get all checked in, and they give us the gate codes and park pamphlet, then direct us to site 1 which is just to the right. This makes it so that in no time we get parked and in place. This is our longest stay in one place since starting out on the road. We will be here for 10 days. ![]() Usually the days that we drive we stay at the site and chill but I had an awful cough and wanted to get some medicine to help it stop. We walked to the Walgreens on Canal Street to get medicine, Chris some mixers and liquor, then headed back to the RV. That still ended up being over a mile walk so we made an easy dinner and chilled inside for the evening. It is Thursday morning and we are spending our first holiday in the RV, our first Thanksgiving without family and having an amazing meal with them. We lay around in bed for a bit then get up and start to get ready. Chris puts the parade on and pours himself a mimosa. Once I am finished getting ready I make a coffee and take a minute outside. A tradition for Chris is to make German Pancakes so he whips us up a half batch which we enjoy along with a cheers for all we are thankful for. Watching the parade, enjoying the traditional breakfast, and appreciating how I am spending it made me feel better about how this year looks different but it is okay. ![]() We are going to the fairgrounds to watch the horse races. They have this event every year. People dress up in wonderful outfits and make extravagant hats. I pulled out my hat box picked the best hat I could find for my outfit and pulled Chris’s only hat he owns that not a baseball cap. I look around to see how I can dress up our hats. I added a string of sunflowers I had used for EDC but it fit it perfectly. Then I tried a black bandana around Chris’s hat and added a flower clip we were gifted at EDC which made his hat just right. Our outfits and our hats were done so it was time to head there. We were able to find a decent place to park. When we started walking towards the grounds I regretted changing my coat to my raincoat and not going with my long dress coat. Based on the outfits it would have gone better but that’s why I have to learn to stay with my first choice. It's something I am working on. Once inside I am loving looking at all the wonderful outfits and hat designs. Most seem to be right out of the 60’s and the hats are pieces of art. We are walking inside to see what’s around. A race is just starting so all the horses are walking by us out to the starting line. We decided to wait in line to get a drink. After about a 20-minute wait we order 2 for each of us and start to head out but the race is now over and the next set of horses are being shown for the next race. We go to check them out. Come up with who we think will win and head out to watch them race from the stands. We watched the race then we headed inside to get the Thanksgiving hot meal they were serving. We shouldn’t have waited because they were all picked up and no longer serving. There is a grill set up serving steak sandwiches so we get one of those to share and I get a beer. We sit inside at a table to eat then once done we go to the other side of the building to check it out. We wait in line again for drinks then we make our way back to the fence to watch the next race about to happen. We chat with a few people and one takes a photo while a horse runs behind us. When the race is done we walk around a bit more talking to a few more people then we decide to make our way out of the fairgrounds. There is a bar across the street so we stop in to grab one more drink before making our way back to the RV park. The drinks are a very heavy pour but good. I am in love with the hat and dress of a woman at the bar so I grab a selfie with her back. As we are standing outside taking a photo she is just leaving. I ask if I can have a photo with her which she nicely accepts. Once hanging out for a little we start to walk back to the truck. When back at the RV we sit for a few then we start our walk to Creole House. They are offering a Thanksgiving meal special which is all I have wanted all day. There is a line but we chat with a family that is also visiting. After about 30 minutes they call us and bring us to our table. It is on the 2nd floor at a window so we can see Canal Street from our seats. When our meal comes out it looks so good. I have only had the regular meal but the Louisiana-style Cajun Fried Turkey with a crawfish cornbread dressing that was topped with gravy and cranberry sauce. This was served with sweet potato pecan crumble, green bean casserole, and cornbread. It was everything! Once we were done we headed back towards the RV park but not without walking down Bourbon Street. I was surprised how busy it was for a being a holiday. We didn’t make any additional stops and when back at the camper we began to get ready for bed. Once lying there I thanked Chris for everything he does for me. Even though we didn’t get to see our family we still made amazing memories of our Thanksgiving living in the RV. Friday we chilled for most of the day around the camper watching movies, walking around the park, and just taking it easy knowing we were going out that night on Bourbon Street. A rule of thumb we found is anywhere you are walking it is about a mile to get there. Each day we put an average of 15,000 steps in. Friday evening we made our way down St. Louis, which we got very familiar with by the end of our stay, to Bourbon Street. We walked around a bit looking at shops and found our way to Marie Laveau House of Voodoo. We looked around in there for a good half hour or more. We already have one for Black Betty so we knew Alice needed her own charm. We found a flying frog that drives away evil spirits and protects your home from harm. We also found the perfect spot to hang it. ![]() After checking out we make our way to Lafitte’s. This place is the oldest bar in the USA. We find a table outside on the corner of the building. We enjoy our drink people-watching. We chat with a few fellows walking down the road for a bit then they carry on. Once we have finished our drinks we make our way back up Bourbon. We hadn’t eaten dinner so we decided on a classy slice of pizza from one of the many daiquiris and pizza joints. While walking we find ourselves at Famous Door. We grabbed a drink and found a place to stand to listen to the band. We were up getting another drink when the shot lady came up to us. She barely gives you a chance to respond and she has the cylinders between her breasts with Chris’s face between them to take his shots. Once he is done she grabs 2 more and puts them down in Chris’s pant waist so I bend down to take my shots. While standing watching the band the couple next to us began a conversation with us. We talk with them for a bit then decide to go down closer to the stage so we can dance. We get another drink, grab the stools we were sitting on, head down, and put them at a table. We dance a few songs then the band ends up taking a break. While away a guy comes on to sing. He has the whole crowd singing along with the most original bar songs. Once the. band was back on we danced for a few more songs then we decided to say goodbye to the couple we were hanging with and went to a different spot. We stopped at a place where the music was good and felt like a good place. We go out back grab a drink and find a seat in the backyard area. We aren’t feeling the vibe so we decide to keep moving. The best part is you can just take your drinks with you. By the end of the night, we had a collection of plastic bar cups. Not that I have the room for these in the RV. While walking we stop to listen to a street performer. Some of the best music I have heard is from the street performers. We finished the drinks we had so we kept walking to find another bar. The crowd of people in the streets is insane. You can barely move - it is just a sea of people. We hop into a bar that also has a band playing. They seem to be younger with a more alternative style. They end up being pretty good. We stood watching them for a bit then realized it was almost midnight so we should probably think about getting home soon. We make our way back onto the street and start to head toward St. Louis Street. I am feeling hungry so I grab another slice of pizza that I devour before we finish our walk home. When we checked into the RV park they recommended we not walk at night but we felt the walk back was pretty lit up so we decided it would be fine. We make our way home safely and immediately we get ourselves ready for bed. In the morning we talked about going to explore Frenchman Street. We take it easy getting up and ready. Around 11 we start our walk to make our way there. As we are walking down St. Louis crossing the street a couple is just getting off a tour and begins to walk behind us. They are behind us for a while and at some point we hear him talk about looking for Lafitte's. We ended up chatting for the whole walk until we got to Bourbon Street where they said that was their turn. We explained we were heading to Frenchman Street and needed to get something to eat. We are saying goodbye when he asks if we would like to join them for a drink and grab a bite to eat. It was nice to have others to hang out with and they were fun to talk with so we said sure. At Lafitte's we all got the famous purple drink. This is a berry-flavored frozen drink with multiple liquors. It was not bad. We sat talking and getting to know each other. We learned that both the guys had stomach surgery which was a cool experience for Chris to have someone to relate to who has also had it done. It was getting late and Chris and I were getting hungry. We leave and start to walk towards the water to get closer to Frenchman Street. We stopped at a restaurant in the French market. It was funny when they sat us we were pulling our chairs out to sit and they weren’t moving well. The chairs were all still locked together. We moved to the next table as it had a little bit more room to fit into the seats. We were told the person who had the key left for the day and didn’t finish unlocking all the tables and chairs. We had good laughs watching people being sat at the table next to us and trying to fit into the small space. We had a nice meal laughing and enjoying our time with Heather and Damon. When we finished our meal they had leftovers so we walked with them to drop them off at their hotel room which was just up from the restaurant. Once they dropped it off we walked through the mall checked out the stores and walked outside listening to street performers and seeing all there was to see. Chris and I had plans to go to a nightclub that evening so we had said we needed to start to head back to our place so we could get ready. We asked if they would want to go to the club also which they were down for. It had started to rain so they offered us to take their car so we didn’t have to walk to our RV and then pretty much back to where we were. We accepted and went down to the valet to have them bring the car up. Chris put the GPS on and we were on our way. The fun part about the French Quarter we learned is they close streets down so where you are being told to go you can’t make it. Finally, about 20 minutes later we are pulling into the RV Park. We change and get ourselves all ready for the night. The club is a BYOB so we pack a cooler and once ready we jump into the car and put the GPS to navigate us back to the hotel. From the drive there Chris knew the street it was taking us on was closed so he went down to the street we ended up coming up. It must have been the only street open because a walk that would have only taken 20 minutes took us 45 minutes to drive. We drop the car with the valet and head up to meet them at their room. They are just finishing putting their drinks together then we head out. We have about a 5-minute walk and while crossing the street, Heather trips on some uneven pavement and falls hard down on her front. She was inches away from her face on the curb. We help her up and make sure she is okay. She seems to be okay so we keep walking. We find the club and make our way in. Once all in we bring our backpack cooler to the bartender and grab a drink. We look around some then sit on a couch to see how this all goes. Heather is now feeling the fall so they end up leaving. We end up meeting many fantastic people, have an amazing evening, and around 4 am we order an Uber to head back to the RV. That was a crazy fun time! ![]() Sunday we sleep in as late as we want. I ended up stirring while Chris was still sleeping so I put some sweatpants and a hoody on, made a coffee, and walked the green to a bagel shop about a half mile up. There is a drizzle but I have my earbuds and the walking path makes it an easy walk to the shop. I ordered Chris and me a bagel to go then walked back. Chris is lying in bed chilling with his phone. I give him his bagel and ask if he would like anything to drink. He is all set so we eat in bed and talk about the great night we had before. We stayed in bed watching movies until about 3:30 that afternoon. Once up we get showered and dressed but we don’t do anything but walk around the park just to move some. We made an easy dinner and hung out watching TV until it was time to go to bed. Monday Chris worked for some before going to the gym when it opened at 8 am. I ran the green. I love having a safe running path as much as Chris loves having a treadmill to run on. We both get 4 miles done then get showered and dressed. We decide after the long weekend we have we are going to just work and hang out at the camper. While sitting at the table working Chris sees a camper pull in that has a brand for RV living. Later on, while we were hanging outside he looked them up on social media. He ended up sending them a message saying he saw them pull in we are also full-time RV living if they would like to get together to exchange stories. He responds with his phone number and says to give them a call tomorrow. The next day we get a workout done and hang low working. After lunch, we take a break and walk in the park to stretch our legs. While walking we meet Cesar and Dina (@beehippy_lifestyle) who happened to be sitting outside. They are super people who have been RV living for over a year and a half. We talk about hanging out once we are done work. Chris and I decided to go get dinner at Mambo’s. Chris sent Cesar a text to let him know our plans and asked if they would want to join us. They were also going to go grab dinner so they accepted and met us at the gate of the park. We all walked to the restaurant talking and getting to know each other. Once at the door, we are greeted by the hostess with such enthusiasm. He brings us to our table and our server is there in no time asking taking a drink order. We review the menu more and order a dozen oysters to start. We share them as a table. I sure do love Oysters! Chris and I already had our order picked so we put that in and they put their entree order in also. We have a delicious meal talking about this lifestyle and all the fun and sometimes challenges that come with it. The waitress comes to ask if we need anything else or dessert. We say no we are stuffed. She says if you take the survey you get a free dessert so instantly Dina and Chris get us each a free dessert. They are brought to the table and even being as full as we are Chris and I eat that piece of Bourbon Pecan Pie right up. We pay the bill and all walk back to the park. Our RV is in spot one so we stop in front and talk about going to the hot tub. We all agree so we go separate ways to get our suits on then will meet at the pool. Chris makes a drink and we change. When we are walking into the pool area we see a couple sitting in the hot tub already. We make our way in and take in the warmth of the water. It feels so good, especially after all the walking we have been doing. We talk with the other couple for a while until more people begin to start showing up and getting into the tub. There are 4 couples and one of them has a child with them. We are all hanging out talking when Cesar and Dina show up. They already know 2 of the other couples they say hello and make their way in. The first couple who was there when we got there ended up leaving. The ironic part was all 4 couples were full-time RV traveling. We sat in that hot tub for about 3 hours talking about so many stories from our adventures on the road until at 10:15 staff showed up to say the hot tub was closed and we had to leave. It was so much fun hanging out with others who are living the same life as we are comparing stories and learning new things. We really can’t beat this life. Wednesday starts with a workout then once showered and dressed Chris works for the morning then we head out with the camera to finally check out Frenchman Street. We walk down to the River Walk to take some photos. We stop along the way at El Gato Negro and had an authentic Mexican meal with amazing margaritas. Once done we continue walking bringing us to Flea Market - French Market where Chris finds a bracelet to buy. We finally make it to Frenchman Street. We hear a jazz band playing at Bamboulas so we go in order a drink and sit on a bar stool to listen. They were the first true Jazz band we have seen since being in town. Once they take a break we carry on up Frenchman Street capturing a few more photos, and then we make our way back to the RV so Chris can work some more. ![]() Once Chris is done with his day we sit outside in the gazebo talking. It is later than normal so I ask Chris what he wants to do for dinner. I go over the things we have that I can cook. He looks at his phone and finds a BBQ place about a quarter mile up the road. It is close and the food looks good so I say sure. The place isn’t towards the French Quarter it is the other way under the 10 and just up the road. It is just getting dark when we start to walk there. This way is a bit more run down and not as lit up but it wasn’t far so we keep going. As we are just about to where the restaurant should be a few cars are parking just out front on the side of the road and a handful of people are getting out. We are looking at Chris’s phone because it shows it should be right there but we can’t find it. We walk a few feet forward then decide to turn around to see if we miss it. We still can’t find it but we do notice the people we passed aren't ones we want to mess with. I honestly didn’t feel any fear from it though. We just kept on walking and decided it was probably best just to head back to the RV and make dinner. We started Thursday with a workout then after showering and getting dressed we walked to Cafe Du Monde for the mouth-watering café au laits (chicory coffee with hot milk) and beignets. Across the street was a local artist’s work that Chris was very interested in. He wasn’t around but a man across the street selling umbrellas came over to say he would be back soon if we wanted anything. I explained we needed to be sure we find a piece that will fit on the wall in the camper before we can choose so we will be back a different day this week. We walked back to the RV and worked the rest of the day. Around 10 am Chris texted Cesar to see when they would be heading out as they were heading on with their travels. He told him around 11 but would stop by our camper to say farewell. Right at 11 am they were leaving so we went out to say goodbye and let them know how great it was to meet them. We wished them well on their travels as they did us and they were on their way. One last honk as they drove down the road. ![]() That evening we walked to Bourbon Street to get some pizza. I just love the entrances to peoples places. They are behind gates but then they are long walkways to get to their doors. I loved how most even had them decorated. We found a joint that had a BBQ pulled pork cinnamon apple slice, which I got and Chris had a buffalo chicken slice. We ate it there then walked around the stores looking for a sticker and Chris looked for a shirt. I found the one I wanted but we hit a couple more stores looking at shirts then we headed back to the RV Park. We watched a little TV before getting ready and heading to bed. ![]() It was our last day to get a workout in and Chris’s last day to run on a treadmill. Since it was raining while he ran I did a HIIT in the gym and ended with some strength training. Once we showered and got dressed Chris worked for a bit until the rain stopped. We made plans to go to brunch and had the place already picked out. We walked our mile walk and waited in line. There was a couple in front of us but they said they needed a table for 6 so they had us go ahead. When we got to the door we told them they needed a table for 6. We sat at a table that sat 4 but quickly they came over and asked if we would mind moving to a table that was just for 2. They ended up putting that 4-seat table with another for that party of 6. I was not disappointed about the move as we were given a seat right by the door so we could see more and it had a cool breeze coming in. We ordered a pitcher of tropical mimosa, Chris got crawfish tail eggs benedict and I got fruity pebbles french toast drizzled with cream cheese glaze and bacon. I should not have but I ate every last piece of food on my plate. Once we were done we settled up on the check and headed out. After breakfast, we went back to the local artist to see if he was there. He wasn’t nor was his artwork so Chris sent him a message to him on Instagram and we walked around Jackson Square while we waited to see if he would respond. I ended up getting a pair of gloves from this awesome boutique that I love. We see the guy across the road who sells the umbrellas so we go over to ask if he knows when he might be back. He ends up giving the artists a call to see. He won’t be back for a little bit so he goes to another artist on the block to get the key to where they store their carts. We are brought out in this alleyway that is locked and we go through all the paintings. Chris shows him the one we want. He offers a deal for 2 but we just don’t have the room. We give the helper the cash and Trevor the artist says he is about 10 minutes away if we wanted to wait around to have him sign the painting. We went to a bar on the corner and sat to enjoy a drink while we waited. We see him pull up. We head out to introduce ourselves. He tells us that these are the last pieces he is selling. He is focusing his time on making a video game to help with mental illness in NOLA. This just made us appreciate everything about this whole experience even more and made buying his artwork so much more special. ![]() We head back to the RV to drop off our purchases and have Chris work for the afternoon. He finishes around 4 and we get ready to head to dinner at Oceana. This was a must go-to recommendation from Cesar so we knew it must be good. There is a bit of a line to get in but behind us is a couple from Spain that we chat with that make the time go by quickly. We are called and they bring us to our table. When our server comes over we get his recommendation for drinks which we do and put in an order of oysters. Once those are brought to us we put our order in for our entree. Chris gets the Tail-on Gulf shrimp sautéed in New Orleans-style lemon and pepper sauce. We took the leftover sauce home. I had Redfish, which is the signature dish. It is sautéed redfish topped with their own crawfish mushroom cream sauce. served with roasted garlic potatoes and vegetables. We took the leftover redfish and crawfish home to use on Eggs Benedict. This restaurant is a must when you are in the French Quarter. ![]() After leaving the restaurant we found our way to The Dungeon. This is a goth bar and once inside you are not allowed to take photos or video. It was a very interesting place, to say the least. We ended up meeting and chatting with a guy who we hung out with for the evening. When we noticed it was almost 11 pm we said goodbye and headed back to the RV. We get right to bed as we have an 8-hour dive the next day so we need to be on the road by 9 am the latest. In the morning we wake early to get showered and dressed and heat a breakfast sandwich before we get started with our pack-up routine. It is just after 8:30 and we are connected and ready to get on the road. Chris put the navigation on RV One and off we went. It has been an amazing 10 days in New Orleans. |