Life Rocks when your living room rolls
![]() Our stay in Orlando wasn't about seeing nature but it was experiencing our first-ever EDC, Electric Daisy Carnival. This is an EDM music festival where over 300k people will join together at Tinker Field to spend 3 days of high-energy music. You enter into a community of people who respect each other with peace, love, and unity. We get to our site on Thursday an hour before check-in but it’s available so we can go set up. While checking in the gentleman tells me that they are celebrating their 50th anniversary and on Saturday they will be having a live band and food truck. He invites us to join but I politely decline saying we are here for an event so we won’t be around. He asks me what it is so I explain. He said the last guy to check in was going to the same place as us. When he was explaining the location of the site he said he put us next to others who are going to the EDC also. Cool move dude! I congratulate him on the 50 years and head out to the truck as I am sure Chris thinks I am not coming back since I’ve been in there for so long. We have a 4:30 appointment so we leave around 3:45 as traffic seems to be picking up. We get there about 15 minutes early so we can complete the paperwork. Once we are both done we go grab some groceries from next door. We are going to grab dinner while out but we run to drop the groceries off at the camper. We then go to downtown Winter Garden, which is the town our campground is in. It is about 20 minutes from Orlando. It is a really cute town with streets made of brick, multiple fountains, lights, and swings lining the center of the street. Golf carts get the right away because there seems to be more of them than cars. We grab a bite to eat sitting outsideat one of the many restaurants to choose from. After dinner, we walked the street more to enjoy all it had to offer. We then walk back to the truck and head back to the camper. We make sure we have all our outfits ready then relax in front of the TV before bed. ![]() In the morning we take it easy getting out of bed. The gates open at 1 pm but I want to be sure we take it easy being the first day so I am not trying to be there right at 1. Chris is dressed and ready by 10, I have showered but I have comfy clothes on as I still have to do my hair and makeup before I even think about getting my clothes on for the night. He sees the next-door campers out so he walks over to introduce himself. 2 couples are from Chicago and Michigan. They had been out at the pre-party the night before so they are just rolling out of bed and heading to grab some coffee and a few things they need for the show. We chat for a bit then, invite them over when they are back for mimosas, then they leave, and we go back so I can finish getting myself ready. I am very happy with how easy it was to get my hair done. I have an idea while doing my hair that I should use the sparkle nail polish and paint it on my net shirt to have it sparkle. I tried a square and it seemed easy. I tell Chris what I am thinking. He seems a little hesitant at me starting it which makes me think. I have already started so instead of doing the whole shirt I add splatters all over one side. It looks all right but when I get dressed I end up wearing it as the back. We pack up the backpack and get everything ready so we can order an Uber. We walk to the front office and wait to get picked up. I still had my retainers in so I had to run back to the camper to drop them and run back. Thankfully the driver waited for me to get back but it was so hot. I was already sweating. We get dropped off out front and have to walk a bit to get to the gates. We have the VIP pass so we have a separate entrance. We show our ID, get our 21+ wristbands and then we have to go through security. They didn’t even make me unlock my backpack to check it so I just had to pass through the detectors. I wish I could put into words the feeling of just walking onto the grounds. Instantly you have music playing from Neon Garden being on the left of the gates. To the right is a bar so we grab a drink and go straight to merch as Chris wants to find a hat. The line is long but we wait. I am glad we did because I got a fan and he found a hat. The fan is a necessity at this event. The amount you dance it is the only thing to keep you from drowning in your sweat. We then walk towards Kinetic field. This is the main stage and they have a VIP section so we go to check it out. This upgrade is so worth it. We get air-conditioned bathrooms and a good space in front of the stage. They also have multiple bartenders set up inside VIP and a cute sitting area. We get a picture of us taken in the photo set then we go to see more of the grounds. Right outside VIP is a grilled cheese food truck so we grab one to put some food in our bellies before we get too much into this. As we walk to the next stage they have so many statues of flowers, metal people, lights lit up on trees, made walkways, honestly just so much you can’t even explain it. It is still daylight so I am not even aware of all there is. ![]() When we were walking in we met a couple who were from the UK. We ended up seeing them over at the Stereo Bloom stage. We hang out with them for a bit then we carry on to keep exploring. It is almost sunset so we head back to Kinetic to the VIP area to catch Deadmau5 for the sunset set. Did this get us going? It was amazing. The stage has a wooden woman who moves her hands, opens her eyes and the pyrotechnics are out of this world. On top of all the energy from the crowd, it is just something you can’t explain unless you experience it. ![]() We are so sweaty so we find our way out of the crowd once they are done and we head to do a ride on the Ferris wheel. With our VIP we have a separate line than GA so we get on a lot faster. It couldn’t have worked out better. We are getting into our pod as Alok was just starting. We did our first live on Instagram. It was amazing to be able to see all the stages with the lights and bursts of fire and the music filling the air. I so wish I had my live footage to rewatch but I got an error and it didn’t save. I do know I will forever remember it all and will hold that memory for a long time!
![]() We walked through all the fun seating and lit up mushrooms and a huge tree with lights hanging to find our way to Neon Garden. There were men on stilts that made for fun visuals while watching them. At Neon Garden we dance for a bit but aren’t feeling the vibe so we make our way back to Kinetic Field. We stay there for the rest of the night making our way to the front of the stage. The heat you can feel from the pyrotechnics is crazy. The last set ends at midnight and people are starting to head out. I am approached by a girl who starts to talk with us. She is there with her son and some friends. We ended up walking out with her and talking about going to hang out together. Trying to get an Uber was impossible. We walked for about an hour down the main road but had no luck. I had now been on my feet for over 12 hours and I was now getting tired. We tell her we will link up tomorrow and we head the other way to get closer to the way we have to go until we finally can get an Uber ordered. We still had to sit on the stairs for almost 40 minutes until it got there. We are dropped off at the campground office around 2:30 and on the walk to our camper, I am now feeling how much my feet and ankles hurt. As soon as Chris and I walk in the door we undress and climb right into bed. I didn’t even brush my teeth I was so tired. ![]() I take it very easy out of bed. I am again not trying to be there too early. While drinking my coffee I add a stitch into Chris’s shirt to be sure it stays for the night. When done I get showered and start getting ready. My hair takes a bit but with Chris’s help, the braid and bun work with the pink extension. I added another in the back and feel happy with the outcome. I do my makeup and get dressed. We pack up the bags and order the Uber. We are back on the grounds and it is another day. We realized the day before we didn’t make it to the other side to see the stages so after getting in the gates and security, we grabbed a drink, I filled up with hydration water and we started to make our way to check things out over on the other side of the stadium. We pass the Volta Beauty Bar which is a service that comes with the VIP package. We ask about what is offered. They will do your hair but it was about a 4 hour wait. Or you can get gems and glitter on your face. We waited for about an hour but I am so glad we had them added. It added so much to the experience of the festival. Plus it made the perfect added touch to our fits. ![]() We make our way to Circuit Ground which also has a VIP section set up. We go in to see what it is like in there. Out on the field in front of the stage we dance, take some chocolate, and take in all the energy that is around us. We get a good sweat on so we decide to take a break and walk some more. We find a walkway along the backside that we take. 2 huge TV screens just slide so trying to get a certain background was a fun time. We knew it was getting late and we hadn’t eaten so we went to see what was in the food area. We both get something from different places and find a table to sit at. Someone is sitting on one side so I ask if he cares if we sit with him. We talk with him and learn his there on his own. We hang out with him while we eat and chill for a bit. We then are ready to venture some more so we snap a photo with our new friend and roam. We are sure to make our way to Kinetic to watch Fisher do the Sunset Set. Wow is all I can say! ![]() We then walked over and spent the remainder of the night at Circuit Ground as the music was lit. I don’t remember exactly how the whole night went but I know we went on the chair ride, met an awesome couple while chilling on the grass under the huge lit-up dandelions, saw some soul-shivering shows at Circuit Ground, and at the end of the night when leaving it was the slowest possible exit while walking in a sea of people.
![]() Once we finally outside the gates we are still in a slow go to the main road. To find out once we made it further up it was going so slow from people holding signs saying we are sinning and need to find Jesus. We are on the main road and still have to walk about a mile to be able to catch an Uber. Even when we get down there we end up waiting over an hour and a half before getting picked up. We are dropped off at the office and start to walk to our site. My feet and ankles feel like they are on fire. As walking our neighbors are just leaving their camper from having to go back to get something before heading to homebass. They ask if we are going and we should go with them. We tell them to go have the best time. They head off and I am the happiest when we are home. I take my boots, socks, and stockings off to find my ankles swollen and irritated. Because of all the glitter I jump in the shower and clean it off of me. Chris jumps in after to get it out of his beard as best he can. I am already in bed and am not moving until I have to tomorrow morning. ![]() Day 3, I feel both ways, I can’t believe it’s the last day to I can’t wait to make it through today. Again, I tell Chris we don’t need to go in too early. We have seen all the grounds and there isn’t anyone that we are dying to see right on any of the early sets. I have a very slow move out of bed after after watching a couple of episodes of Gilmore Girls. I make my way to the shower and get myself ready. I am not thrilled with my outfit but I make it work. I have a sunflower headband I put in my hair and finish up my makeup. Chris has been ready for almost 2 hours so he is just relaxing and enjoying his mimosas. Around 2 pm he called the Uber, still earlier than I wanted but he was sick of sitting around so we got picked up and dropped out front of the grounds around 2:30 pm. It’s the same half-mile walk to the gates, we get our 21+ bracelet, through security and the last day of EDC has begun. Chris gets a drink and I fill up my cup with the electrolytes water they have for free then we just walk. We end up going to the shops where Chris finds a pair of shorts he buys. I look to see if I could find something better to wear but nothing jumps out at me. I found the kandi making table so I began to work on making one. Being day 3 there isn’t much for letters so I grab beads and all the letters I can until I can make a word. Chris wants to go change so I put everything I have for beads in my bag and we head to the bathroom. We used the bathrooms near Kinetic Field so we ended up checking out what was going on and listening to a few songs. We then walk back so I can finish my bracelet. The night was pretty mellow. We didn’t make our way through crowds to be in the middle of them close to the stage. We stayed back and enjoyed more space around us. We also walked a lot more not staying at one certain stage or area for too long. Until the last couple of sets of the night. We made our way back to Kinetic and watched until the end of the night. We didn’t want to have to get stuck in a slow process of getting out of the park at the end of the night. We ended up leaving at 11:30 so we could make our way to call an Uber and again not wait hours for one to pick us up. We can have an Uber within 10 minutes of getting to the pickup spot. Most of our drivers didn’t have any conversation during the drive besides the first day on our way there and this ride. We chat with him the whole way which makes it seem like a faster ride home but again once we are dropped off at the main office and walking home I am so happy I don’t have to do this again tomorrow and I can not wait to get my shoes off. Back at the camper we take no time getting ready for bed and are fast asleep.
Over the past 3 days, we walked 126,656 steps which was close to 60 miles, danced, laughed, and met some great people. Will I ever do this again? Hell Yes! We are already talking about next year. I will be more prepared knowing now what to expect. We will also stay in a hotel so we don’t have to deal with Uber and I will have a hydration pack with me. I am very happy that Chris and I are not afraid to do what makes us happy and not care what people will think of us. If we did, we would have missed some of the best moments in our lives. So word of advice, do what makes you happy! Monday morning we stay in bed until about 8:30 then get ourselves up and ready for a move day. We only have about 2 hours so once we have everything picked up and put away. We connect pick up the stabilizers, pull off the X-chocks, connect to the truck, and are on the road by 11 am. I immediately look for what greasy fast food restaurant we can stop at as I want something so bad for me to eat. I feel I have burned enough calories to deserve it.
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